Adventure in life - Chapter 9
Lisa perspective
I felt how someone started to kiss me on the cheek. I opened my eyes and realized that I had fall in sleep. I looked at Bradley and he was sitting next to me smiling.
- Goodmorning sleepy , we are here! said Bradley
- Are we?!
I stood up so fast that I thought I was going to faint. I looked back and I see that the others was already on their way out. So I took my handbag and jumper and run after them and said
- Wait for me !?
- OH wow goodmorning sleepy! said Maja
- HAHA oh shut up.
Bradley came after me and we walked down from the airplane. When we came in to the airport the band had start rolling so we just had to wait until our suitcases came by and Bradleys guitar.
I see two big suitcases that came by and it was mine so Bradley helped me to take the bag of the band then I see a guitar came after so I took the guitar to Bradley and smiled.
We wait for the others bags and after 5 minutes they all came out. Maja and Sara got help from the boys with their bags and they walked to me.
- Let’s go to the entrance we most take out or train tickets cause we have to take the train to Liverpoolstreet and then take the subway into the hotell, said James
So we walked down to the underground and Bradley and James took out the tickets.
We walked to the the train and stepped on. It was 10 minutes until the train should go to Liverpool street.
I took my bags and but them behind the seats and walked to Bradley and the others.
Writers perspective.
They sat on the train and eat some sandwich and had some cookes that they had bought on the train.The train took 1 hour before they came to Liverpool Street.
They walked out with their bags and looked which sub they should take. Lisa just stood their and was so confused they had so many subways.
- Which line is we gonna take ? said Lisa
- We are going to take the redline to Marble Arch and leave or bags at the hotel said James.
- Okay said Lisa.
The took the elevator down to the metro and searched after the redline. It was escalator and so many diffrents way. Lisa was so so confused.
They finally came to the redline and the subway train stood their. The ran and jumped on the train and tried to get their bags in. But it was so many people on the cart. So they was standing on eachother almost.
But after 15 minutes they was out and came out from the metro and the sun was shining. It was hot and they wasn’t so tired at they thought they was. They walked and walked and walked and there they was. Standing in front of the hotel. They hotel was huge and was so beautiful on the inside.
Bradley walked to the receptionist and said
- Hello, we have booked three rooms for here.two days.
- Okay what’s your name?
- Bradley Simpson.
The repectonist searched at the computer and the other was just standing a bit off and was waiting on the keys.
After a while she gave Bradley the information and the three keys.
So they took the elevator to the 10th floor and when they was up Bradley gave them the keys to the James and Tristan and then walked away in diffrents directioners.
Bradley perspective
Me and Lisa stepped into the hotel room and it was so huge and so fresh. Lisa just stood their and looked around with her mouth open.
I looked at her and said
- Isn’t this perfect? You and me here in London.
- Yeah it’s really amazing this is like a dream. I can’t get that I’m really here with you and my bestfriends.
I took her in my embrace and kissed her.
The rest follows…
Adventure in life - Chapter 8
Lisa perspective
They party was over and it was time for them to leave. I said good bye to the boys and thank them for the presents they gave me. When they had leave I run to my room immedietly. I took my phone and called mum and Maja and Sara did the same. I clicked at my mums name and called.
- Hey Lisa happy birthday! Hope you had a great time!
- Oh thank you mum! Of course I had but I wish you where here with me but but I had a pool party with the boys.
- That sounds fun! Did you get something speciell?
- I got loads of stuff like clothes and jewerly and make up and stuff and Maja and Sara and I got a present together.
- Oh what is that then ?
- We got three tickets to England cause the boys are going home tomorrow and they wonder if we can come with them. So please can I go with them ?
- I’m not sure you just 17 and I’ve never met theese boys. I don’t know I want to hear with Maja and Saras mum first. I call you in 20 minutes.
She hang up and I walked down to the girls
- She wanted to hear with your mums first
- yeah same here , said Maja.
I walked out to the pool and took the decoration down and took the left overs in to the kitchen. The clock was 1am and I was really tired and wanted to sleep.
I wait and wait and suddenly my phone is ringing. I pick it up so quick as a could.
- Hello mum
- Hello Lisa.
- We mums has decied us , sorry but yeah you guys can go with the boys but you really have to prove that you can take care of yourself and be responsible and immiture and if your not are that it’s your last change to go on vaccation alone with the girls.
- OHH thank you thank you thank you mum! Yeah I promise you we are not going to do something stupid! Bye love you!
- Love you to honey and have a nice flight tomorrow!
I looked at the girls and I just screamed out load and I jumped up and down and the girls did the same. I looked at them
- We must pack now and don’t say anything to the boys that we are coming is gonna be a surprise for them!
- Yeah let’s surprise them! But yeah I think I had to take a taxi home cause I don’t really have clothes for England so we see ya tomorrow? said Sara
- Yes same here but I ordera taxi at 9.00am from my house and it will be 9.15am at your place sara and then 9.30am at your place Lisa then we are coming about 9.50 to the airport and we must check in our bags to and that takes time!
- Yeah but souns perfect to me, said Sara
They took their stuff and I walked with them to the door and gave them a big goodnight hug. Before they walked out to the taxi I said
- Girls this is really happening can you believe it?
They both nodded and smiled. I waved to them when they went home with the taxi.
I walked in again and put the alarm on and run to my room. I threw my suitcases on the bed and started to pack my thing. First I put my outfit to tomorrow that I should wear then I started to pack clothes and make up tooth brush and stuff like that. It took about an hour to pack everything I had 2 suitcases and 1 handbag. I almost couldn’t close the suitcases cause I had so much stuff with me. But it worked. I walked to the bed and glance at the clock the clock was over 2am time for some sleep.
Next morning
Bradley’s perspective
I heard how James alarm clock was ringing and it took about 5 minutes until he turned it off. I thought my mind would explode. I walked out from my bed and looked at the mirror. I thought it was time for a shower after the pool party yesterday I smell chlorine. The boys was almost up from their beds when I walked in to the bathroom. I stepped in the shower and started to shampoo my hair . My mind was going crazy and I got more and more nervous. Think if they not can come with us right now and their mums have never met me or the boys so they would never send the girls to UK with us … I got sad when I got the thought. I stepped out from the shower and walked out to the bedroom and the boys was up and tried to pack their suitcases I took on my clothes just a t-shirt and some sweat pants cause the flight. I took a jumper to cause sometimes it’s cold at the flight. They boys was done with their suitcases and they had change clothes to. So I look everywhere in every room and see if we had forgot something. But nope nothing was there so we walked down to the reception an checked out from our room. I asked if we could put or bags in a room when we should eat breakfast and it was okay. We walked to the breakfast room and started to take food. I was not so hungry I was to nervous.
- Are you guys nervous?
- yeah I’m really nervous cause I really want them to come with us, said James
- yeah same here! I’m not kidding I’m so so nervous that I think I’m going to Explode.
I looked at them and we all laughed it was good that I didn’t was the only one who was nervous.
I look at my phone and saw that it was time for us to go out. I took my bags and walked out and the taxi came after a couple of minutes. The boys and I put they bags in the back and then walked in the cab.
30 minutes….
The cab stopped and I walked out and took my bags. I walked in to the airport and walked to their we was going to check our bags. It took a while buteverything was going good. I looked at the big screen and watched after London. It stood terminal 4 so we walked to the terminal 4. Now is the moment are they girls going to stand there or not. I’m so nervous.
When I came in to the terminal I didn’t saw Lisa or the girls. I thought I was going to cry a looked at James with a sad face. But then I saw three girls coming against us and I see that it is Lisa Maja and Sara. I see how Lisa is coming running at me and I open my arms and she jumps up in to my embrace and I give her a big hug and a kiss. She looked me in the eyes and said
- I did it. I can came with you Bradley!
- That’s awesome honey. It’s gonna be great. We are going to London now for 2 days and then we are going home to my place only if you want to meet my family.
- Of coruse I want to meet your family!
- Great! But let’s go.
It was time for us to go in to the airplane and we showed our pass and tickets and then it was time for us to find our seats. We had our seats in the front so me and Lisa was sitting in one row and the others sat behind us two and two.After a while the airplane was full and it was time to go. I looked out from thewindow and the airplane was moving and soon it started to shake. I felt how Lisa took my hand and pressed really hard. I look at her and she was a bit scared so I held her in my arms.
The rest follows….
Adventure in life - Chapter 7
Writers perspective
It was sunday morning and the boys was sleeping but not Bradley. He couldn’t stop thinking about last night and when they was on the beach. He remember how the girls was smiling and had an amazing time. The took photos and stuff and we just laugh at them. James woke up and Bradley got interrupt in his thoughts. James looked at him and said
- Already up Bradley?
- Yeah I couldn’t sleep.
- Oh same here. Thinking about yesterday?
- Yeah I think I’m in love and I can’t stop thinking about her.
- I think you are in love too boy and I feel the same I really like her alot. I wish I could spend more time with Sara and the other girls.
- Yes I feeling the same, wonder how it went for Tristan and Maja last night. I think they like each other alot like we like Lisa and Sara. But yeah I don’t want to go back to England right now at the moment.
- I do not want to go home either Bradley. But I think I have idea. But I wil tell you later. Now we just have to wake up Tristan.
They took two pillows and started to jump in his bed and hit him with the pillows and screamed time to wake up butterfly!
After a while Tristan said
- Okay okay I’m awake so please get off me now!?
- Okay my little butterfly said Bradley
- OH shut up stop call me butterfly…
- Okay butterfly! said James.
They guys took on some clothes and walked down to the breakfast.
At the same time the girls just woked up.
Lisa looked at Sara and Maja and said
- What did you think about yesterday ?
- It was awesome a great time and yes we are all in love , said Maja.
- Yeah same here and yes it was awesome and I can’t wait until today! said Sara
- I’m so glad that we all have maybe found the right guy and I just love to be with you and them it makes me so happy! said Lisa.
Majas stomach purred and they thought it was time for some breakfast. The girls helped with the breakfast and did toaste with strawbarry , icecream with hot chocolate and tea and a fruit mix.
They girls thought it looked really good and it taste delicous.
Bradleys perspective
We run upstairs to the hotel room and I came first as always. James and Tristan came after and sounds like two dogs. I laugh at them and open the door to the hotel room. I walked to my bag and packed some clothes and some stuff that I didn’t have to use tomorrow.
- When have we take the taxi tomorrow?
- At 9am from the hotel I’ve already order a taxi tomorrow and the flight is going 11.30 am.
- Okay I pack everything before we go to Lisa’s party.
- Yeah that is the best thing we can do cause I think tomorrow we are really tired.
- Yeah but what was or idea to Lisa?
- I’m not going to tell you so change your clothes cause we all are going in to town.
I looked at him with a curious look and changed clothes.
We all changde to shorts and t-shirt and just a jumper over if it gets a little cold. I took my sunglasses and walked out from the hotel room.
We walked down to the city and James walked in to a tickets store.
I looked at him and said
- what are you doing?
- Going to buy a present to Lisa and the girls. I’m going to get a little present to them all.
- Wow okay..
- But we are going to buy other things to!
- Okay okay then I know.
I was so confused at that moment but when he told me what we was going to do we was really rushed if we would get all the things in time!
Lisa perspective
Me and my girls have just eat the breakfast done when we heard how someone knocked on the door. I walked and opened it. It was Saras mum
- Hey Zoe!
- Hey Lisa , what are you girls up to ?
- Nothing speciell we just ate breakfast and then we have to fix to the pool party tonight!
- Oh right ! That sounds good how many is coming? Just 3 boys..
- Oh which are they ?
- James , Tristan and Bradley.
- Okay Lisa can I trust that nothing bad will happend?
- Yes you can.
- Okay good. Now I’m going to help you with the dishes and you girls are going to shop to the party now!
Zoe and I walked to the kitchen and I said to the girls it was time to go and change clothes and go to the shop.
At the same time we changed clothes Saras mum was in the kitchen and took the food down and fixed so it was clean.
I change to blue jeans shorts and just a grey t - shirt.
They other girls took skirt and a t-shirt.
We said good bye to Saras mum and went to the garage and took or bikes and went to the store. I asked the girls
- What do we want to eat and drink?
- I don’t know can’t we order pizza when we get hungry and said Maja?
- Yeah and now we can buy just candy , snacks and drinks? said Sara
- Sounds good to me!
We walked in to the store and bought the drinks and snacks. When came home and packed up everything. It was so much we had bought and we was just 6 persons on the party .
When we had packed up everything we decided to do some cupcakes. So I started to bake and the other girls decorate the cupcakes. The time was ticking and the cupcakes was done and we had do eat cause the time was 3pm.
We didn’t want to cook food so we decided to take the bus in to town and eat at Mc Donalds.
When i went out I saw the bus coming so I screamed
I ran as fast as I could and the girls came after me. The bus chaffour stopped and we walked in and sound like dogs that couldn’t breathe. It took 20 minutes in to town and when we was there we walked to Mc Donalds. When I came in I saw three boys that looked just like James , Tristan and Bradley. I walked to the line and stood behind theese three boys and Sara and Maja nodded at me and I got it was them.
I took my phone and wrote ” We jump up on their back on 3?”
I turned around and show the girls and I count to three and we jumped up on their backs and said
- What are you doing here?!
I jumped off Bradleys back and he turned around and looked at me with crazy face. It took a while before he got that it was me when he got that it was me he said
- Oh shit you scared me honey!
- Oh I’m sorry.
He hugged me and kiss me on the forehead.
I ordered my food and the girls to and we walked to the table that the boys sat.
I saw that they had alots of bags with stuff in and I got so curious if it was to me or not.
Writers perspective
The girls started to decorate to the pool party. They put the snacks and the drinks on a table and started to blow up the swimming ring and some bath balls and put them in the pool. When everything was done they changed to bikini and sat wait for the boys.
They boys was done and the had wrapped the present to Lisa and they took the taxi to the girls.
They girls was so excited and they just sat and wait for the door bell to ring. It suddenly ringed and they run to the door and opened the door. They boys screamed
” Happy Birthday LISA!!!!”
Lisa hugged the boys and got a little kiss from Bradley.
They walked out to the pool and the boys said
- This is just awesome!
The party started and it was full speed and they laughed and had a great time.
The time was ticking and Lisa was so curious so she wanted to open the birthday presents.
She got clothes and jewerly and loads of other stuff. But it was one more gift to Lisa.
Bradley walked to her and gave her a envelope. She opened it and she saw 3 flight tickets to England. She just stood there with a suprise face. She looked at Bradley and said
- Omg Can’t believe it. Are you guys serious?
- Of course we are , come with us tomorrow. If you want to go with us be at the airport at 10am tomorrow. If you don’t want to come with us you don’t need to be their.
The rest follows….
Adventure in life - Chapter 6
Lisa perspecitive
I woke up when someone smash the door and I heard someone say
- Hello ? Is anybody here?
I remember that Sara’s mum should come over sometimes and look after us. So I tried to not to wake Bradley when i was going out from the bed. So I took his arms gently and walked to Maja and Sara. I shooked them and whispered.
- Hey wake up your mum is here hurry up!
They looked at me and then they realised what i said and gently stood up. We run to the door and said
- Oh Hey! What are you doing here?
- I should just check you out and I bought some food to your guys! Why are you still in pyjamas ?
- Oh we thought it was saturday so we would just have a little pyjamas day at home.
I heard how some one cough and Sara’s mum looked at me
- Is somebody more here?
- No just us.
She walked to the livingroom and we walked after. I looked on the matress and no one was there. I looked at Sara with a crazy face and she just shrugged.
- Mum we want to be alone now so please go, said Sara
- Okay I will , call me if you need something!
We went to the door and waved goodbye.
I looked them and said
- That was close, but where can the boys be?
- I have no idea let’s find them said Sara
We walked everywhere in the house but couldn’t find them . It was one place that we didn’t had looked on and it was in the garden. I walked out and I see the boys sitting on the chairs in the sun and just enjoyed life.
- Goodmornign boys!
Goodmorning said everyone back.
- How did you know that you should hide? said Sara
- Uh we heard someone voice that we didn’t recognized so we thought it was best to go away , said Tristan
- You guys are so smart said, Sara
I smiled at them and we started to join them in the sun.
Writers perspective
The boys and the girls sat next to the pool and just talked. Maja stood up and said
- Me and Tristan are going to do breakfast so you guys can be outside here while we doing the food.
- Okay that sounds perfect said Lisa.
Tristan and Maja walked to the kitchen and started to do breakfast. With scones and eggs almost everything that they had in the fridge.
They other sat and discuss what they should to today. It was really hot today so they decided to go down to the beach today.
- Just so you know Lisa are going to turn 17 when you guys are leaving Sweden on monday. So we decided that tomorrow we maybe could celebrate Lisa? said Sara
- Of course ! We can have a little pool party or something, only if you want Lisa, said Bradley
- Yeaa that would be nice so tomorrow at 6pm at my place ? , said Lisa
- Sounds perfect! said Bradley and James
Maja and Tristan came out with a washer full with food on.
- Wow looks good guys! said James
- Aha it does so come on let’s eat! said Maja
They all took scones and eggs , tea and just ate until they was so as measured that they could puke soon. They sat and talked about the poolparty and what they was going to do today. When they was done the girls walked to Lisa’s room and change to bikini when the boys change in the living room. When they was done they took their bags and towels and took the taxi to the beach.
Lisa had her camera with her so she took some of photos.
They day flew away and it was time for the boys to go home. They took the taxi home again and the boys took their stuff. The girls got a good bye kiss and they decided to meet again tomorrow at 6pm at Lisa house for the pool party.
The rest follows….
I’m so sorry for the this bad chapter but I have home work and I have writer’s block.. BUT I WILL MAKE UP TO YOU GUYS!
Adventure in life - Chapter 5
Writers perspective
They boys stood their with a smile on their face with the bags in their hands. They all hugged each other.
- Welcome in boys. Come in and make you comfortable, Lisa said.
They boys walked in and Lisa showed them they livingroom and her room and had a little house tour. When they came in to the living room James and Sara started to have a little pillow fight and they other joined in but not Lisa. She walked to the kitchen and prepared the food. She put the fries in the oven and fried the patties. At the same time Tristan and Maja walked to Lisa’s room and had a little chat while James and Sara contined with the pillow fight. Bradley felt that he would leave them alone so he walked to the kitchen and saw that Lisa prepared the food. He saw her stand their and sing and dance while she was waiting for the food to be done. Bradley decided to scare her. So he walked behind her and pinched her at the side of her hip. She screamed and jumped a little bit. She turned around and saw it was Bradley. She hit him a little loose on the arm and said
- I will give you back, I promise you.
- Okay Lisa . I’m so scared that I’m shaking.
- Shut up and help me with the food ?
- Only if you say please.
- Please Bradley , the best boy in the world please?
She did her puppyface and Bradley gived up and started to help her with the food.
They heard how the others screamed , laughed and talked about random stuff.
- It’s so fun that we all have agreed so well and has become so close to eachother. It only took 4 days.
- Yeah I know it feels so good.
Bradley and Lisa stood there in the kitchen and prepared the food and talked and had a good time alone with each other. The food was ready so Lisa walked to her room and was going to tell Tristan and Maja that the food was ready.
When she walked in the room she sees that they are laying in her bed and cuddle and playing with their phones. She knocked on the door and said
- Can I look or should I close my eyes?
They laughed and said
- Close your eyes of course!
They took a pillow and threw it on Lisa and she said
- Ah come on guys that was not fun. The food is ready can you tell James and Sara to come to the dinner room?
- Okay sure.
Lisa walked downs stairs again and set the table. They all come down and sat down the table.
James said
- Looking good guys. I’m hungry so should we let’s start?
- Yeah take how much you want James, said Lisa.
Bradley took his phone up and said
- I have to take a photo of this cause this is delicous. I made a great job or what do you say Lisa?
- Pfft sure , you did the sauce and the vegetables..
Everybody laughed and started to eat.
Bradleys perspective
After we had ate we decided to watch a movie. We Walked to the couch and sat us down .
- Which movie should we watch ? said Lisa
- Hmm what about Last song ? said James
- Yeah good idea or what do you others think?
- Take Last song is a good romantic movie said Tristan.
We watch the movie and I sat next to Lisa. I looked at her and she turn her head around and looked at me too. She took my hand and smiled. I smiled back.
I looked around and saw that the others was cuddling. James and Sara was lying on the mattress and Sara had her head on James chest. Tristan and Maja was sitting and holding on each other while me and Lisa was holding hands.
The sad scene came when the dad was dying. I looked at Lisa and see that she is crying.
- Oh don’t cry Lisa is just a movie.
- Yeah I know but it’s so sad.
- Yeah it is.
I hugged her and she leaned her head on my shoulder. I thought it’s now or never. I kiss her on her forehead and she looked up on me with glossy eyes and smiled. We watch so many movies and the clock got 3am.
Lisa said
- The clock is 3am and it’s hot outside so take your quilt and pillow and follow me.
We did as she said and we walked out into her garden and she jumped up on the trampoline.
- What do you think guys ? We can sleep here under the stars!?
- Awesome , great idea!
We put the pillows and the quilts on the trampoline and sat on the trampoline. Then I saw a bottle on over the quilt.
- I was thinking that we could play truth or dare. So when I spinn the bottle the one that the bottle points on is gonna start to choice truth or dare, said Lisa
Maja , Sara and Lisa looked at each other with a strange look I don’t know why they did it but they had something going on.
In the beginning we all took truth but after a while we took dare. It was mine turn to spinn the bottle and it came on Tristan.
- Truth or dare ?
- Dare.
- Hmm give Maja a kiss on her lips.
Maja looked at Tristan and they both was blushing. We all took our torches and pointed them at them and then they started to come closer to each other and then Tristan gave her a cute passionated kiss. We all screamed and applaud. It was Tristan turn to spinn the bottle and it pointed at Lisa. I looked in her eyes and smiled she smiled back and said
- I’m taking dare.
- Give Bradley a passionated kiss on his lips and then hug him.
- What , wow okay..
I saw how she started to come closer to me and I felt how nervous I started to get. She came closer to me and soon she was just 2 millimeters from my lips. I felt how she grabbed my neck and her lips on my lips. I closed my eyes and started to smile. Is this really happening? This girl maybe like me for who I am and not cause I’m famous.
She stopped and we looked at each other and smiled.
Lisa perspective
I can’t really get what really happend. I kiss Bradley Simpson. I like this boy so much and I hope he feel the same as I do. We played the game until we got tired of it. The clock was 6am and the sun was almost up. We decided to go in again. I walked to the matress and Bradley and the other come after me. I lay down and said
- Goodnight everyone. We have to sleep now , had a great time with you guys goodnight.
I felt how someone pulled me closer and hugged me. It was Bradley. I looked at him and gave him a little goodnight kiss.
The rest follows …
Who is excited for The Vamps cover?! It’s coming out 8.30pm UK time!
Adventure in life - Chapter 4
Bradleys perspective
I saw her ran to the car and she wave to me. I waved back and smiled. I sat on the bench and ate my ice cream.. I took up the phone and looked at the picture at us. I upload one at instagram and tagged her and wrote
“Had a great time with @lisacarlsson”
I called a taxi and after 5 minutes the taxi was on the street and I walked to the taxi and said
- To the hotell nobis thank you.
I closed the door and the car drove away.
After 15 minutes the driver said
- It’s gonna be 200kr thank you.
- Oh yeah wait a second.
I gave the driver his money and walked out to the hotell.
I took the elevator up to the room and walked in. No one was their so I texted James
- Where are you guys?
- On the restaurant on the hotel come down and eat with us :)
- I’m on my way!
I took the elevator down again to the restaurant and I saw the boys sit outside and had some drinks.
I walked to them and James said
- Hey man! How did it go?
- Good ! She is so nice and she has a great personality and she is very cute. But I wish we could talk a little bit more. But she had to go ..
- That is good ! We have to see them again I want to meet one of the girl I think her name is Sara..
- Yeah what about you Tristan?
- They seems to be really nice and it would be fun to meet them again!
- Awesome but let order some food.
We all ordered fries with hamburger and after 20 min the food came out to us and I just had to take a photo at us so I asked the waiter to take a photo at us so I could upload it on Instagram
” Food with my boys!”
We sat on the restaurant and talked a while and talked about life and what cover we will do next when we are coming home.
After we had sat downs stairs at the restaurante we got tired to be there so we went up again to the hotel room. I jumped on the bed and turn on the tv. I took my phone and checked Instagram. I saw that Lisa had comment
” Thank you to for a lovley chat , you da bomb Bradley”
I smiled and wrote back
” Your welcome but nah you da bomb!”
I threw my phone at the bed and watch Big Bang theory with the boys and just had a little chat with them.
Lisa perspective
I saw that my mum was on the street with the car so I hugged Bradley and ran to the car. Mum looked at me with a serious eyes. But I ignored her and waved to Bradley who sat their with his ice cream.
Mum drove home and when I came in the house I saw massive of bags was packed.
I looked at her and said
- What’s going on?!
- I have to go Lisa. I’m so sorry but the called and they need me at Madison Square Garden. I have to work with the boys cause Nia is sick and they need me as make up artist. I’m so sorry I have to leave you but Sara’s mum is going to check you sometimes and Sara and Maja can live here with you. They are on their way right now so you don’t have to be alone.
- But mum , this was going to be our summer. Did you hear? Our summer.
- Yes I know honey but I have to go. I’m sorry but I promise to make up to you!
- Promise?
- Promise.
She gave me alot of hugs and kisses and took the bags and packed the car.
When she was in the car she screamed
- Call me or texted me when ever you want! I love you!
- Love you to.
She drove away and there I was. Alone again. Two summers in row alone.
I walked to the living room and jumped in the couch and watch Transformers at the same time I was wating for the girls to come over.
It knocked on the door and it was the girls. I ran to the door and opened. They stood there with their bags and said
- Time for some sleep overs?!
- Of coruse! Come in.
They walked in with their bags and took them my room and Maja said
- Sooo, tell me about your little date with Bradley?
- Okay it was not a date and it was good! We had a lovley chat together.
- That sounds awesome! So what do you think ? Sara and Lisa? Should we invite them to our sleep over party?
- Hmm I don’t know.. Is that a good idea?
- Yes it is! Let’s do that!
- Okay! Which time should they come?
- Hmm what about 8pm? That will be awesome!
- Okay I’m going to text him now!
To Bradley Simpson:
Me: Hey Bradley! Ehm me and my girls are going to have a little sleepover tonight and I wonder if you boys want to join us?
Bradley: Yes we loved to join you guys. When should we come?
Me: What about 8pm? Don’t eat before cause I was thinking that we could do food together?
Bradley: Okay that’s sounds awesome and what’s your adress?
Me: Skeppargatan 16 It’s maybe hard to express but just show the driver and he will understand.
Bradley: Okay awesome see you 8pm :) x
Writtens perspective
Lisa and the girls walked to the shop and bought snacks and food to tonight and was so excited that the boys was coming over to Lisa’s place. They girls was preparing with the food and placed a few mattresses at the living rooms floor with pillows and quilts there the all should sleep tonight.
When the girls was preparing with the sleep over the boys packed their bags with some clothes and other stuff they need.
The clock got 7.55pm and the girls sat and wait for the boys to come over. When the clock was 8.05pm the door bell was ringing. Lisa and the girls run to the door and Lisa was going to open the door when Maja said
- Okay girls let’s do this and be calm.
They looked at her and laughed. Lisa opened the door and the three boys was standing there with the their bags and smiled.
This is Lisa’s house and living room.
The rest follows…
Adventure in life - Chapter 3
Bradleys perspective
I heard a really noisy sound and it was my alarm clock that was ringing. I took up my phone and looked at the phone 11am so 10am in UK. I stepped out from my bed and looked at the bed next to me. Tristan is sleeping like a caterpillar and James are sleeping like a ball. I threw my clothes at the bathroom floor and stepped in the shower. I started thinking about today what will happened, what will we talk about? You more I thought about it more nervous I got. After 20 minutes I was done and stepped out from the shower and walked to the room. James and Tristan were awake and looked at merlin. I search in my bag after something nice to wear. I just put on a shirt and shorts cause it was hot today and it looked nice. I took a photo and upload it on instagram
“Time for café Flora here in Sweden”
When I came out from the bathroom James threw I pillow at me and said
- So you are going to meet that girl ? Laila ? No what’s her name Tris?
- Lisa?
- Yeah that’s her name. So you are going on a date huh?
- No just take a little coffe and talk like friends.
- Okay just friends like a date
- Oh come on shut up.
I threw the pillow back at him and jumped into his bed and joined them and watch merlin.
Lisa perspective
I heard someone knock at my door. Mum came in and said
- Time to wake up sleepy.
I sat in my bed and looked at her when she took up the blinds. She walked to my computer and sat on the chair. She looked at me and said
- What are you going to do today then ?
- I’m going to café flora
- With who?
- Bradley Simpson you know that guy from The Vamps?
- Yes I know who is it , but have I accepted that you will go out with him?
- No , but please can I?
- Yes you can if you have your phone with you if something is happening.
- I promise mum!
- Good get out from the bed now.
- Yes I will mum .
She walked out from my room and I stepped out from the bed. I put on some music and started dance to Swedish house mafias song at the same time a brush my hair and sang out load. I put on some makeup and lip-gloss just to see a little more dress up. I took on a hat and a clock to. Just to see causual but a little more dress up then normally. I looked at the mirror and I thought I looked good. So I took a photo and upload it on instagram
“It’s time for Café Flora!”
After 5 minutes I saw that I got 50 likes and a new follower. I looked who the new follower was and it was Bradley. I started follow him to and he had like 7k followers and I then is me with 800 followers. I heard someone knock on the door again so I turn the music off and said
- Come in.
- Hey honey I just want to say I think you have to take the bus in 15 minutes.
- Oh thank you mum . I will go now.
- Good and you look beautiful
- Thanks mum!
My mum and I walked down to the hall and I took on my converse and hug her good bye. I took my headphones and listening to music. I stepped on the bus and it was many people but I got a seat place. After 20 minutes the bus stopped on the travel center and I had to go and change bus. I ran to the next bus and stepped on . It was full of people but it was only 2 stops. The bus stopped and I walked out and looked after the café Flora. When I came around the corner I saw the café and Bradley sit on the couch outside. I walked a little faster when I saw him. I walked to him. He saw me and he looked up from his phone and we got eye contact.
- Hey Lisa , said Brad and gave me a hug.
I looked at him and smiled like a fool.
- Should we take a table?
- Yeah of course. Inside or here?
- Here if you want?
- Sure!
We took a table in the sun and ordered some milkshakes. We started to talk about everything. For hours and hours we talked.
After they have talked for hours they decided to go to the park and take an ice cream. When they sat on the bench Bradley started to take photos of them on his phone. But the cozy atmosphere got interrupted. Lisa phone started to ring and it was her mum. She said that Lisa had to come home quick. Lisa said
- I have to go home something is wrong home so my mum is picking me up now she is waiting.
- Oh I see. Wait a sec give me your phone.
- Okay..
She gave him the phone and he started to write in his phone number and said
- Here’s my number if you want something. Thanks for a great time and hope we see each other soon. Bye!
He gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and she ran from there with the ice cream in her hand and their sat Bradley alone.
The rest follows….
Adventure in life - Chapter 2
Bradley's perspective
I felt something hard bumped into me. I heard someone say something angry to me. I saw that little short girl with blond/brown hair. She was cute. I didn't noticed that we had stand and looked at eachother for a while. I heard the girl say
- Oh sorry , I should watch where I was going. My name is Lisa and you are Brad ? If I'm right ?
I looked at her and wonder how could this girl know my name... I felt a little push from James and then I realized that I didn't answer her question.
- Oh It's me that should say sorry I didn't see you.. But yeah my name is Brad , how do you know ?
- Youtube maybe ?
- Yeah of course , nice to meet you Lisa and you others.
- Nice to meet you too , this is my best friends Maja and Sara.
- Nice to meet you all , but I have to go in now to the café I think.. Nice to have been meeting you all!
Writers perspective.
The girls stepped to the side and let the boys walk in to the café. The boys tooked a coffé aand the girls run to the bus. On the bus they all was so excited that they just met The Vamps. That they talked to each other to. They all took up their Iphone and looked on Twitter. They started follow The Vamps and the boys private accounts. After 5 minutes it vibrated in all their pockets. They took up their Iphone and looked at the screen.
"The Vamps" Sitting in a café here in Sweden. Here is a photo from us"
They all retweet and favored the picture. Maja asked
- Should we answer and write something to them ?
- Yeah , let's do that! said Lisa
They sat on the bus and wrote to the boys.
Lisa- Nice to meet you Bradley. Sorry for bumping into you...
Maja - It was nice to meet you guys , especiell you Tristan!
Sara - Hello again boys! Nice to meet ya today! You looked great James.
When the tweeting was done they looked at each other and said at the same time.
- Do you think they will retweet to us or starting follow us ?
They all laughed and stepped out from the bus and walked home to Lisa.
Lisa perspective
I opened the door and saw that mom was home. I threw my clothes and shoes. The other girls did they same. I ran to the kitchen and screamed mum!
- Do you know mum?!
- Know what ?
- I accidently bumped into Bradley Simpson from The Vamps you know ?
- Oh no you kidding with me ?
- No mum , Sara and Maja was there.
- Is that true girls ?
- Okay okay , i believe you. Go to the room now.
Come on girls.
We walked to my room
and sat us on the bed. I tooked my other mac book and logged in on twitter.
I saw that something had happened on twitter. I had 4 new followers.
It stood
The Vamps is now following you
Bradley Simpson is now following you
James McVey is now following you
Tristan Evans is now following you
Okay guys , this is the coolest! The Vamps is following me on twitter oh my god.
They replied my comment "Nice to meeting you 2 , hope we see again"
Sara and Maja just looked at me and said
- They follow me to , highfive!
Writers perspective
The girls continued to write and tweeting all day long. The clock was much so Maja and Sara tooked the bus home. Lisa was still on twitter and got alot of question about how it was to meet the boys. She got many new followers and suddenly the letter symbol on twitter was blinking. She openeds the message and see that it was from Bradley and it stands.
Bradley: "Hey Lisa! Ehmm yeah i think you know me a bit know, cause I walked into you. I was thinking if we could meet tomorrow just you and me? Only if you want :) x. I was thinking about to go to a café and just talk ? x
Lisa: Oh hey! Yeah and it was I that walked into you so sorry for that hehe.. Of course I will meet you, where and which time ? :) x
Bradley: I was thinking the café Flora a little outside from town at 12pm :)x ?
Lisa: It sounds great , see you there tomorrow. Bye x
The rest follows….
Adventure in life - Chapter 1
These are the 3 girls that the fanfiction is going to be about. The characters are Lisa, Sara and Maja. Lisa is the one on the right, Sara’s on the left and Maja is in the middle. They are 16 years old and they live in Sweden.
Lisa’s perspective
It was saturday at 9am. The sun was shining on my face so that woke me up and then i realized I had to take the bus at 10.10am. Cause I was going to have a little girls day with my besties. I stepped out from the bed and felt the cold floor on my feet. I took my clothes off and stepped into the shower. I stood in the shower and sang on Taylor Swift’s song “I Knew You Were Trouble”. After a while i stepped out and got ready for the bus. I did my make up and took on my clothes. A black skirt , a top and just a jeans west. Something that looked good. I walked to the kitchen and took an apple and then i walked to the bus. After 5 minutes the bus stopped next to me and i stepped on and it was just me on the bus. I sat there and just listened on the music that was playing on my Iphone and I enjoyed being alone with my thoughts. The bus stopped and I was there on the station. I looked out from the window and saw Maja and Sara sit there. I ran out from the bus and gave them a big hug. We started to talk about the new band from Youtube who called themselves “The Vamps”.
Maja said, “I love their cover of Conor Maynards song Vegas girl. It’s just amazing and I’m in love with the drummer hihi.. ”
” Yeah me too I love it and what can i say , the other blond guy i think his name is James I think he looks good , haha more than good. What do you think about them Lisa ?” said Sara.
“I think they are so great. I think they are going to be big one day. Cause now they have like 100 thousand views and i really would like to meet them and the one with curly hair , hihi Bradley is his name .. and the one you like Maja is Tristan I believe!”
Writers perspective
They sat on the bench for hour and talked about the boys. After a while they moved on and started shopping. They bought clothes and shoes and other great stuff. They had their hands full of bags from Zara , Chanel , Mac and all different kind of shops.
After 2 hours of shopping they we’re all tired they decided to go to a café and take a coffé. They walked in to Espresso house and ordered fruit shakes and 3 muffins. They took a table and started to talk about maybe going to London and have some fun when Lisa is going to turn 17 in August. Suddenly it got quiet very quickly, so they turned around and saw that the coolest gang from the school came in in the café.
The three girls were done so they decided to go home to Lisa. Lisa, Sara and Maja took their plates and was on their way out. When suddenly Lisa bumped into someone and fell to the ground. She stood up quickly and said very angry to the person in front of her.
- Excause me!? Look were you go idiot.
She looked up and saw the boy in front off her . He was a head longer then her. He had brown curly hair and sun glasses and next to him was two blond guys.
They looked at each other a long time and just stood there..
The rest follows….